2014 01 15 A


Small mishima Lorem ipsum and snail cup ( 3¼″, 120 mL). Mid-fire white clay, slips and glazes. Wheel thrown and reduction fired to cone 6.

The piece was originally intended to be a practice piece for the mishima (inlaying) technique. I thought the inlaying did not work out so I glazed it over. But after firing it turned out that the inlaying actually did work out.

Trimmed Handbuilt Glazed Slips & glazes Status Next step
2014/01/22 2014/02/12 Hara black slip, Hara green sip slip, Hara blue slip, Dark Tem (inside), Bird Nest Blue (outside top), Shino CB4 (outside bottom) Sold
  • (Photo of work)
  • (Photo of work)
  • (Photo of work)
    Failed to do mishima
  • (Photo of work)
    Preparing for mishima
  • (Photo of work)
    Freshly thrown, before any trimming was done