The 18 bowls that you are seeing is a replica of the objects made for my thesis, or more accurately my “MRP” (major research project). I no longer have the original objects, as they have all been given away as part of the project.
For GradEx I have titled the work A study involving nine pairs of bowls. This alludes to the fact that a “major research project” is primarily a study and not necessarily about object making. In my case the study revolved around creating nine pairs of bowls – each pair consisting of a brailled and an unbrailled bowl that were otherwise identical – in order to find out if the “Fear” depicted in the fourth panel to the left of the bowls is a real or groundless fear. By allowing people to pick between the paired bowls, I was trying to see if people have preference – whether there really are any negative feelings towards having braille on ordinary objects. (If you are interested, you can read the actual paper.)